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Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey There-

As it has become the trend for my blogging this summer, it’s been too long since my last post. Life continues to fly by as I prepare to head back to England on August 1st. I was approved for my Visa and received my passport back, which was a huge answer to prayer. That was pretty much the last thing I needed before heading back to England.

My trip to Houston with my dad was a lot of fun. Ecclesia Church was wonderful and a breath of fresh air in the way of church. It was a very simple church found in an old warehouse. There was a modest sanctuary, a cool cafe’, and a beautiful art gallery. Probably the thing that left the greatest impact was a piece of artwork in the sanctuary. The painting was very simple yet very moving. It was picture of Christ but in a way I had not ever visual seen or intellectually considered. It was a large canvas painted black with two white hands outstretched and two feet on top of each other contrasting the black. I thought this was a very interesting depiction of the crucifixion and it got me thinking about its deeper meaning. The two interpretations I came to were:

1. In the absence of Christ’s physical body on earth what’s left his hands and feet. Until he returns, that is our role on earth, to be the hands and feet of Christ. This is shown by the lack of a body on the canvas painted black.

2. The second is I think the deeper interpretation which is to say that if you want a picture of my God and my Christ, let me show you by the work of his hands and feet. We are called to be Christ’s hands and feet on earth and so to paint a picture of Christ, we simple need to show them by our good works. Author Donald Miller says:

 “What I believe is not what I say I believe; what I believe is what I do.” Donald Miller “Blue Like Jazz” p 110

Paul writes in Ephesians 2:10 that we are God’s workmanship, created to do good works and James writes in James 2:18 that he will show his faith by what he does. The way you and I live our lives speaks volumes more for what we say we believe than our words ever could.

As always, I had a brilliant visit in Norman. It was wonderful participating in a friends wedding, catching up with friends and family, leading worship at Generations with the “old” band as well as Jason Snyder, and getting to do the talk and share what God has placed on my heart. It is always wonderful to go back to Norman because of all the deep and meaningful relationships the entire Mustain family has there.

I continue to volunteer at Mission Arlington ( two days a week. I was surprised to run into college classmate there this week. We graduated together in May of 2006 and after graduation she took a job as a youth pastor in Kentucky and I went to England. Her youth group happened to be doing their summer missions trip at Mission Arlington so it was great to run into her.

I anticipate the next two and a half weeks to fly by with our family trip to the lake, my trip to Arizona with Katelyn, and then leaving for England August 1st. I’ve had a great summer however, I can’t wait to get back to England. When God places a call on your life, doing anything but that feels strange and unnatural. That is the way I feel being away from England. I greatly anticipate all the wonderful things God will there in the upcoming year.

Living and Loving, Life and God!
