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Thoughts & Inspiration

So, it’s sometime in and around 1:00am and I’m wide-awake when I should be sleeping. I’m still trying to sort out if it’s one of those God moments of being awake, or thoughts and strategies of my favourite board game Blokus, or the caffeinated tea I drank at about 10:30. I’ve been here for over a week now so I know jet lag is no excuse.

As a staff we have restructured our time a responsibilities a bit so we can maximize our time in the community. We’ve also tried to identify key people that we would like to invest in (or invest more time in) with our remaining time in England. Our goal is to help train and disciple specific individuals who can replace us when our time in England ends.

As many of you know I’ve been teaching guitar lessons as one of my personal ministry times. I have one student in particular who is a very gifted young lad who also needs a reliable male presence in his life at the moment. God really placed him on my heart so we are going to meet each Tuesday in addition to our weekly lesson on Sunday mornings so I can try to invest more into his life. One of the things we are going to do together is memorize scripture. We have set the goal of memorizing 3 passages and when we both have them down we will reward ourselves with a trip to the cinema. Today was our first meeting and it went very well. Please be in prayer for our time and that God will use me to invest in his life. It is my hope that this young lad will be able to replace me and lead St. James in worship. He is supposed to play with me on at least one song this Sunday.

Right, I should try and get some sleep. It’s Wednesday so that means I have my weekly date with Madeline. Spending time with her is one of the highlights of my week!!

Be blessed and bless others,

One response to “Why am I awake at this hour?”

  1. funny thing, it is 1:30 in the morning and I am up asking myself the same question?? I guess it is just one of those nights.