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Today I had a fun day out to West Kirby. West Kirby is a town located on the north west corner of the coast of the Wirral Peninsula, Merseyside, England. West Kirby is also situated at the mouth of the River Dee across from the Point of Ayr in North Wales (Courtesy of Wikipedia).

The strangest thing of the whole day was how hard the wind was blowing. I’ve not experienced anything like that before. When we were walking into the wind out to some islands only accessible during low tide, it was a fight for each step. At times the wind nearly blew me over. It was pretty mad.

Here are some pictures of the day.


Me, Ian, and Drew

It was beautiful to watch the sand blow down the beach toward town.

The sun shining down on Wales.

The wind was blowing so hard it nearly blew me off the edge!!

I’m king of the sandstone that legend has it was dropped from the heavens.

My name carved randomly and my hiking boots my dad bought me.

4 responses to “West Kirby Day Out”

  1. Chad,

    West Kirby looks cool…your boots look really cool! Wish I were there with you!

    Love your dad (the desk jockey!)

  2. Hey that one beautiful picture
    that says the sun shining down on wales,
    Im looking out in the water but I dont
    see any of the wales. he he