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One of my absolute favourite bands is called Dashboard Confessional. I’ve gotten to see them twice in concert; most recently here in Manchester back in November. Something I appreciate so much about Chris Carrabba is the honesty of his lyrics and the honesty that springs out of his lungs as he sings. When I think of Psalms and what it must have been like for David to sing them, I think that Chris Carrabba would be the top candidate to do an “MTV Album Covers: the Psalms.”

One of the most well known songs by Dashboard Confessional is the song “Vindicated” which was the theme song for “Spiderman 2.” There is a great a passage in the song that says:

And I am flawed
But I am cleaning up so well
I am seeing in me now the things you swore you saw yourself

Doesn’t that sound like something David would have written in the Psalms? In the midst of my flaws, my construction, my messiness, I have moments where I get this hint of hope that maybe, just maybe I am “getting it.” And I enjoy those beautiful moments where I can sense my Saviour (who more often than not has to save me from myself) says to me “You are flawed but what you just saw is what I see in you, Chad.”

This morning as I was reading in the Psalms I read this verse in Psalm 135:

For the Lord will vindicate his people and have compassion on his servants (Psalm 135:14, NLT).

This verse gives me strength for today and hope for tomorrow.

May we see in ourselves the things our Saviour sees in us. May we then help others see what the Saviour of all sees in them as well.
