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Family and friends, I ask you to pray with me for my good friend and prayer partner Don Rock, specifically his sister. Don and I have been praying for Laura over the past 7 months because she has been on a long, hard road. Yesterday, Don got news that his sister was in a coma, experiencing kidney failure, and in desperate need of a kidney transplant.

The last news that I heard from Don is that it doesn’t look like his sister will make it through the night and is in need of nothing short of a miracle. I ask you to pray with me for Don, his wife Connie, the Rock family, and specifically his sister Laura. Please pray for:

1. A miracle.
2. That Laura will make it through the night.
3. That they will find a liver donor.
4. That they will be able to transport her to a hospital that can perform the surgery.
5. For the Rock family.
6. That above all else, God would be glorified in all this.

Please join with me in prayer.
