
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

So, I’ve been in Gainesville, GA for about a week now. The training is going very well and I am feeling much more equipped to help lead our team in England. However, the greatest reward of this training has been the experience of community. Many of the people who are here I met at our staff training in May. It’s such a blessing to get to share life with people who are called to the same things as you and who are also acting on their passions and beliefs. Although we will soon be spread all over the globe, we are a family or tribe united under one common purpose, to live out the Great Commission and go to the nations.

One of the topics or lessons we’ve learned a lot about at our training is this whole idea of surrender. Hannah Whitall Smith says,

“What we need in the Christian life is to get believers to want to do God’s will as much as other people want to do their own will.” Hannah Whitall Smith “The Christians Secret of a Happy Life” p 194

I want to be about the business and work of living out God’s will in my life and helping point others to that as well. My favourite bible verse at the moment is Luke 1:38 which says,

Mary responded, “I am the Lord’s servant, and I am willing to accept whatever he wants. May everything you have said come true.” (NLT)

I think those words are so, so powerful to live life in a Christ-like manner. Over the past weeks I have begun each day praying those words to the Father, I am your servant and I am willing to accept whatever you want.

May you be blessed in your journey of surrender to Him.

Lord, do anything you need to do in me so you can do everything you desire to do through me.
