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Thoughts & Inspiration

Well, I’ve been back in England for a few days now. It’s been great reconnecting with friends over the past few days and to be back at St. James Church yesterday. It was great to see the excitement of the church as our team was introduced and relationships were beginning to be formed. I wait and pray in great anticipation of all the great things God will do in and through our FYM team this next year.


As many of you know I am a person of routine and order so I’ve now gotten my room with Drew settled and unpacked. I also have my morning routine set again, which means I’ve been diving deep into the stack of books I brought across the pond. I love to read and study and the morning time is my most productive and favourite time of day.


The book I’m currently reading is called “Not Religion but Love” by the Australian author Dave Andrews.  As follows is a key point and arguably the premise of the book, which is:


We do not suffer from a lack of religion, but from a lack of love. . . . It is my view that radical spirituality of compassion is not merely our best hope; it is our only hope. Dave Andrews “Not Religion but Love” p 20


The purpose of our work here is not to Christianize, make church go-ers of, or Americanize the people of Salford. Nor is the purpose or goal wherever you call home. The purpose is to be:


. . . . shining examples of those who are not preoccupied with themselves. Dave Andrews “Not Religion but Love” p 30


When we are not preoccupied with ourselves, we allow the Spirit of God to work in and through us. We live in a me first; look out for #1 world and culture so placing the needs of others before our own is counter-cultural and often completely shocking to the world.


One of my favourite passages of scripture at the moment is the parable of the “Sheep and Goats” found in Matthew 25:31-46. In quick summary this is the parable of those who helped Jesus when he was found in his disguises and those who did not. Dave Andrews makes a brilliant point about this parable when he says:


The shock in the story for the people in Christ’s time – and for most Christians today – is that he insists that we will not be judged on the basis of whether we have subscribed to the right set of doctrines, or obey the right code of behaviour. We will be judged solely on the basis of whether, or not, we have done the right thing by those whom most people consider least! Dave Andrews “Not Religion but Love” p 55


Those are sobering thoughts, eh? I encourage you to stop and consider this question:


What if Jesus really meant the things he said?


It might seem very easy for me to sit behind my laptop and write these words. However, these are words that challenge me and scare me to death at times. Are we living the life of sacrifice that Christ calls us to or are we living a life that is comfortable and convenient and carefree? I realize that:


It always has been and always will be easer to criticize others than it is to change ourselves. We will only be free to opt for development if we realize that the only way we can change the world is to change our own way of life. Dave Andrews “Not Religion but Love” p 69


I want you all to know as friends, family, supporters, and fellow journeyers that I am committed to changing my world by changing my own way of life. After all, the way of Christ is simple; it’s just not easy.


I’d like to close with this powerful prayer by Michael Leunig that I will be praying  each day this week and encourage you to do the same:


God help us to change. To change ourselves and to change our world. To know the need for it. To deal with the pain of it. To feel the joy of it. To undertake the journey without understanding the destination. Extracts from “A Common Prayer” by Michael Leunig via Dave Andrews “Not Religion but Love” p 17


Simple but not easy!!




3 responses to “Thoughts on a rainy Monday”

  1. Wow, Chad, once again you make a weekend that was deep and revealing to me continue into a deep and revealing Monday! How blessed I am to have you for a friend. Keep up the good work, I’ll keep up the praying.

    Love ya, Babette

  2. WoW! Even without internet you are able to write a lot. It’s great that you were able to bring lots of books over with you. I wish I was more of a reader. Oh well! Be blessed!