
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

So one of the ministries I help lead (somehow I became co-project leader) is called the Eden Bus. The Eden Bus is a ministry put on by the organization called The Message (

The Eden Bus is an old double decker bus that has been redone to essentially be a movable entertainment center for the young people. It features X-Boxes, Playstations, room for board games and conversations, and a big screen TV for movies upstairs. The bus serves as a tool to get young people to come out and from there we build relationships with them and introduce them to love and acceptance, build into them value and worth, and ultimately introduce them to Jesus.

Here are some pictures of the Bus:

The Eden Bus

Our FYM team that helps on the Eden Bus

The game consoles

Upstairs where we show movies and have the God Slot. Featured are Robby and the bus driver Phil.

At the end of the evening the option is given to go “up or off.” It’s at this point that the youth can leave the bus or go upstairs for the “God Slot.” Most weeks I lead the God Slot which is a 5-7 minute scriptural thought, challenge, truth etc. At the end of the God Slot I typically lead a short prayer and invite the young people to make the prayer their own at the end by saying “Amen.”

Over the past few weeks the young people have really responded well to the God Slot sharing things they are thankful to God for when our topic was Thanksgiving, asking us to pray for specific people etc. Last night when I said I’d like to close with a short prayer the young people asked if we could say the Lord’s Prayer. Next thing we know, they started saying the it completely on their own, each taking a line or phrase, helping each other out. Needless to say, we were completely shocked! It was just an awesome moment to see how God has been working through the Vicars like Henry and Ian going into the schools week in and week out sharing the Good News. We’ve had the awesome opportunity to join with them the past two years and so it was ace to see some fruit last night.

Please be in prayer that God will continue to lead the young people to the Eden Bus and that we’d have more “God Moments” like last night.

Be Blessed,

Photos courtesy of Robby’s camera.