
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey There-

I’m sorry it has been so long since my last update. I was in Norman, Oklahoma from June 7-14 and was very busy catching up with so many people. This next week will busy as well as it is leading up to my sister’s wedding on June 23rd.

It was such a blessing to be in Norman with great friends as well as to lead worship at Generations Church. I will again be in Norman from July 3-10 (approximately) so if you’d like to get together, please give me a call (405.821.2363) or email me ([email protected]) so we can set up a time.

In addition to playing at Generations Church on July 8th I will also be speaking with a talk entitled “Outside of these Walls.” Outside of the walls of the church is where God calls us to live out our faith. Our true worship resounds when we live externally focused lives. I will be updating you all on my ministry in England, the joy of living in community, and challenging us all to be externally focused as we strive to live “Outside of these Walls.” I hope to see you there.

In other news, fundraising continues to go well. Generations Church continues to be a very giving church and blessed me with a love offering to support me and God’s work in England. Supporting raising is going very well but I’m not quite there yet. If you are interested in supporting me monthly or with a one-time gift, please contact me (see contact info above) for more information. For those of you already supporting me, Adventures in Missions has a new lock-box address they are asking donor’s to send their support gifts to. If you would, please mail your monthly support gifts to the new address, which is:

Adventures In Missions, Inc.
P.O. Box 534470
Atlanta, GA 30353-4470

I have had a wonderful time of rest and catching up over the past few weeks. The thought or idea that has really been on my heart lately is how to live a more externally focused life. I hope throughout the summer you’ll take time to evaluate your life as well as take action to live more externally. After all, that is what Christ modeled for us.

Simple but not easy,
Chad Mustain