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I just thought I’d let everyone know that I made it safely back to the States. I’m around Texas and Oklahoma until August 1st at which point I head back to England.

I have two set dates that I’ll be in Norman and at Generations church this summer.

1. June 7 to June 14 (I’ll be playing at Generations on June 10th)

2. July 3 to July 10 (I’ll be speaking and playing at Generations on July 8th)

I don’t have a lot of obligations this summer so I can possible stay longer in Norman than the dates listed. I’d love to catch up with you so send me an email or give me a call (405.821.2363) if you’d like to get together.

Please continue to follow my blogs for updates.

My fundraising for the next 15 months in England is going really well. I have received about 75% of what I need. If you are interested in joining with me in God’s work in England, please contact me and I will get you more information. For those of you that have joined or rejoined with me in God’s work in Salford, thank you. Your prayers and financial gifts make a huge difference and enable me to fulfill God’s calling on my life.

Simple but not easy,
Chad Mustain

One response to “Summer Dates”

  1. Hey! Awesome to hear that you already have 75% of the funds for next year. Any tips for the rest of us?