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Thoughts & Inspiration

First, let me clarify that I am alive and well. Second, thank you for the concern of those who emailed me to make sure I’m alright. Things continue to be just brilliant here in rainy Salford. I have been very busy and thus not been able to and forgotten to update my blog. It seems so many good things have happened so I’ll try to pick out a few highlights.

Over the past two weeks since my last post, we have seen a drastic change in several of the young people. We are witnessing young people who regularly bully others, bullying much less. We are seeing young people who regularly use incredibly foul language clean up the way they talk and encourage others to speak to us with more respect. We are also seeing more and more interest in God, Jesus, and the lifestyle we choose to lead as Christ followers.

On February 11th I had the honour of helping a 15 year old girl with her baptism service. In the Church of England, most people who regularly attend were baptized as infants. However, those that come to know Christ later in their lives have an entire service dedicated to their decision to follow Christ and the life change they are going through. Becky is an awesome 15 year old who has been a part of St. James Church for the past several years. She is a talented musician so I was honoured when she asked me to help coordinate her worship band from her school that she participates in. The worship these young people led the congregation in was “cutting edge” and was a huge step in the direction of change and relevance for St. James Church. The prayers that Becky’s mates prayed for her life and her faith were moving and heartfelt. It was such a blessed to be a part of Becky’s celebration of the work Christ is doing in her life.

I continue to do a fair amount of reading. Books that we are studying as a team, that I am reading in my own personal study, or that I have recently completed are:

Through Painted Deserts by Donald Miller
Searching for God Knows What by Donald Miller
The Ever-Loving Truth by Voddie Baucham Jr.
Miracles by C.S. Lewis
Stories of BLISS and Yearning, Authentic Christian Spirituality by John L. Bell

I am currently working on a new song as well. The song thus far is based of a poem I wrote last week called “Hushed Awe.”
It reads:

Awaken my soul with Your beautiful whispers
In Your moments of grace
I respond in hushed awe
Take of all me, all my days, all for You
I want to be like the moon
Reflecting the glory of Another

Like the moon, we have no ability to produce any light on our own. However, we do have the ability and opportunity to reflect the light and glory of another, Jesus Christ. I challenge you to be like the moon, reflecting the glory of Another!!

All Glories and Honours to the Famous One!!

Chad Mustain