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Thoughts & Inspiration

So, this morning I was attacked and bit by a dog while out walking around and praying. I often walk around St. John’s Church near our house and pray each morning. Because it is essentially an abandoned church site people often walk their dogs there etc. I often exchange “good mornings” with the dog owners as I walk and pray. Well this morning this dog came charging at me, full teeth showing, and lunged for me, biting my elbow. I had several layers on and was unhurt. The strange thing was the owner was in no hurry to come and get her dog. I had to yell and ask her to please come and get her dog. What a strange start to my week!!

Yesterday the service at St. James went really well. I played with Julie and her band. It was such a great experience helping lead others in worship in more of a band setting. Julie also did a great job speaking about the Eden Bus Ministry and inspired a few new volunteers to join us in God’s work through the bus.

I led our team’s books study of “Velvet Elvis” by Rob Bell as well yesterday. In addition to studies that we do weekly, our team has a couple of what we call independent reads that they will read over the course of a month or so. We’ll then have a 1-2 hour session to discuss the book, what they learned etc. As many of you know, Rob Bell is a pretty popular and influential, yet somewhat controversial and unique thinker, pastor, and writer of our day. Because of varying backgrounds etc. I think our team was pretty evenly divided on those who enjoyed and embraced the thoughts and ideas that Bell “repaints” in his book.

We have our final day of regular ministry today and then we head of to the North Yorkshire Dales for a few days of debrief and rest. Please be in prayer for our team as we process and celebrate all that God has done over the past three months but also prepare for “re-entry” into the States for Christmas Break.

In one of my favourite statements from “Velvet Elvis” Bell writes:

Perhaps a better question than who’s right, is who’s living rightly?

Be blessed on your journey of living rightly.
