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Well, the greatly anticipated day is nearly here. At about 3:30 in the morning local time Wednesday I’ll be headed to Manchester International Airport. After roughly 24 hours of traveling and two lay-overs (Amsterdam and Johannesburg), I’ll arrive in Port Elizabeth, South Africa at about 8:10 in the morning local time Thursday. Please be in prayer with me that all my of my flights would run on time, that my luggage would make it, that there wouldn’t be any problems going through customs, and for my safety as I have a long over-night lay-over in the Johannesburg airport.

That’s an awful lot of traveling you say? Well friends and family, Heather Beard has stolen my heart and she is absolutely worth every bit of the travel so that we can be together.

We are looking forward to a wonderful two weeks (a fort-night) of catching up, having fun, doing ministry, dreaming, planning, and seeking God’s will. Please be in prayer for us and the exciting times that await us.

I hope to update you all soon after my arrival to South Africa (Jeffrey’s Bay is the exact location). Thank you for your prayers and support. Stay tuned for pictures, updates etc.

Living and Loving, Life and God!!