
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Today I led our FYM’s in an exercise of solitude. While this activity was primarily intended for the spiritual growth of the FYM’s, I might argue that God had me plan it because it was exactly what I needed as well. While living in community with 11 followers of Christ is such a rich experience and one that I will always treasure, sometimes it is very hard to find time, space, and silence to hear the divine whisper’s of God.


Last night while talking to my best friend on the phone I found myself very frustrated and the only explanation I could come up with was that I had not had enough time to listen to music. Music is a filling experience for me and one that recharges and rejuvenates me. Often times my attitude has a direct correlation to the amount of time I’ve spent that day listening to music. However, I think that this morning while putting the finishing touches on this exercise for the FYM’s, God revealed to me that I needed a time of solitude and silence with him as well.


So at 9 this morning we embarked on a 3-hour journey of solitude and silence with the Lord. While I was not able to spend the entire 3 hours in silence, I did get to spend nearly 2 of the 3 hours in silence and solitude. It was a rich experience for me to pray with each team member individually during this time and read scriptures into their lives that God placed on my heart. One of my favourite experiences at staff training in Gainesville was to have other staff members of AIM pray over me each morning. It was such an honour and blessing to do the same for my FYM’s this morning.


Even though I prepared this activity with book excerpts, suggested scriptures, suggested prayers etc. God spoke to me in mighty ways. In reading through several Psalms I really sense God speaking to me. As follows is my response in my prayer journal to what I felt God whispering to me this morning:


God, I sense you telling me to wait patiently, to trust you, to follow the path you have me on, to be confident in you, to make my life a delight to you, every detail, and to be sure that when I stumble, which I will, I will not fall. It’s in these stumbles and hard times that I am really able to meet you, grow etc. Awaken my soul to you today God!!


So, that’s all I really have for today; just a bit of my heart and my journey.


May your soul be awakened this day!!

