
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Ezekiel 34:26b says: “And I will send showers, showers of blessing, which will come just when they are needed.”
This verse has been so true in Heather’s and my life. We continued to be so blessed by friends and family wherever we go. We had a wonderful weekend in Norman catching up with friends and family. We had a shower Friday night where we received more gifts to help us begin our life together. It was great to spend time with people that I hadn’t seen in a while and for Heather to meet friends and family as well.
On Sunday we were able to share at Generations all that God has done in our lives and the ministries we were a part of. I had such a great time leading worship with the group I’ve worshipped with countless times. It’s always such a blessing to share that time and to lead others into God’s presence together. Generations is always so faithful in supporting us and gave us a love offering in addition to our monthly support.
Sunday night we caught a flight back to Colorado and since arriving back we have been getting things done left and right. I’m now living with the Hsin family (yes, that is the correct spelling of their last name) and they have been so good to me as well. In addition to a sweet living situation, they are letting me drive an old 1983 Jeep which is like every guys dream. The Hsins are allowing us to use their home for the wedding on August 2nd. I must say I am even more excited for the wedding because every day I get to envision our special celebration with friends and family.
Heather and I have both been blessed with part time jobs for the next 5 weeks as well. Heather is working at the doctor’s office that she previously worked for and I am doing some work for the Hsins and a guy who flips houses. The extra money was an unexpected but welcomed blessing.
Please continue to pray for us as we prepare for marriage and continue to raise support. Over the next 5 weeks we’ll be meeting with lots of Heather’s supports and a few churches in the Denver area. We are currently at about 50% of the $3,380 that we need on a monthly basis. We see God’s blessing and faithfulness in so many areas of our lives and we trust that he will provide what we need each month for our next year of ministry.
If you are interested in supporting us or know of someone you could refer us to that might be interested in supporting us, please contact me at [email protected] or on my cell 678.936.5235.
Living and Loving, Life and God!!
Chad and Heather