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Hello All-

On Friday February 29th, 2008, Heather Beard and I got engaged. The short story is that we went out to a romantic dinner and afterwards went for a walk on the beach where things were set up for the proposal. My proposal came in the form of a song that I wrote for Heather called “With You I Am Home.” The proposal was the last line of the song and Heather said yes!!

Here are just a few pictures of the night. I hope to post more pictures and the whole story in the next few days. The wedding will be August 2nd, 2008 in Colorado.

Thank you for all of your prayers and support. Heather is a wonderful woman and I am truly blessed to share my life with her.

More details and pictures soon!!


Outside of Heather’s house before dinner and the proposal.

The proposal location.

She said yes!!