
Explore My News,
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Well, I return to England in less than 24 hours. God has been very good to me at staff training and FYM training camp with our new participants. Our team also had the unexpected blessing and surprise of picking up a girl from one of the Africa sites that felt God was redirecting her to England. I’m really excited about our team, their passion for serving, and their desire to dive deep into the things of God.

Please pray for our travel tomorrow. We fly from Atlanta to Frankfurt, Germany with about 60 other FYM participants who will be going to Africa and then we backtrack to Manchester, England. Please also pray for strength for our participants because this is the first time most of them have been away from home for any longer than a few weeks.

I fully trust in God’s unfailing love and goodness. I’m so excited for this new season of life.

Simple but not easy,


4 responses to “Returning to England”

  1. Chadster,

    You are being prayed for daily by many members of Generations. Your mission is in England but, you continue to bless us in Norman. Thanks for letting God use you for His higher purpose. Col. 3:23

  2. Sweet! Glad the girls won’t be out numbered anymore. Definitely will be praying for safety for the teams.

  3. Thanks for your friendship. You have been prayed for all day today. Looking forward to hearing how God uses the team in England.