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In previous blog postings (Hope 2008 and Evening Off) I talked about how music fills and replenishes my soul. Last night I had one of those experiences that was an unexpected joy.

I’ve talked about the Eden Bus ministry that I am part of on Monday nights. The Bus Manager Julie and I have become pretty good friends and several weeks back she asked me if I’d like to play with her band sometime. They are a collection of musicians who all play multiple instruments and occasionally lead worship at other churches, play at parties etc. On Sunday they are going to be playing at St. James (one of the churches I help with regularly) and Julie asked me if I’d like to play with them. She is going to be sharing more about the Eden Bus and the ministry of the Message as well.

So last night I went to Julie’s house where they rehearse in a small studio. I can’t tell you just how freeing and life giving the experience was for me! It was the first time since July that I have had the chance to play with a collection of musicians in a “band” format. Ah, it was just so ace. There were a few beautiful moments of worship and adoration of the King that I just had to pause and “be still,” just as the song we were playing said (Be Still for the Presence of the Lord).

One of the other songs that we played and sang last night is by Delirious and is called “Lord You Have My Heart.” Musically it is a very basic song yet beautiful song. My favourite phrase from the song is:

“Lord you have my heart, and I will search for Yours. Jesus take my life and lead me on.”

As we were playing through the song instrumentally and Julie played that melody line on the clarinet, I felt as if my heart was directly connected to God as I stood before him saying, “You have my heart God. I will continue to pursue you in my messiness. Lead me on in the way you lived Jesus.”

My life and my journey are messy. I think as each day goes on I just find more questions. I know that I serve and seek a God who loves questions and loves me in my messiness. My family has adopted Jeremiah 29:11 as a life verse. So many stop at verse 11 but I absolutely love verse 13 which says:

If you look for me in earnest, you will find me when you seek me.

So that is where I am at on my journey today. I’m replenished spiritually and still full of more questions.

14 days!!


One response to “Replenished”

  1. Our family has adopted Jer 29:11 as a life verse back in 1997. It is a good one to have. It makes me always remember that God has a plan just for me and it’s better than any I could have thought of myself.