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Yesterday I went to Oxford with my teammates Rachel, Christine, Krista, and Megan. Oxford is a beautiful “college town” with a rich history, beautiful buildings, and brilliant gardens and parks. One of the neatest historical aspects of Oxford is that this is where C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien and other great writers spent a good portion of their lives. There are several pictures inside of a pub called “The Eagle and Child.” This was Lewis and Tokien’s favourte pub (the pub is the social centre of English life) where they would meet weekly with several other writers and deep thinkers for a weekly breakfast and discussion. We had dinner in the very room they would gather each week. For pictures of this trip, copy and paste this link into your web browser:

This week has been a bit sad because we’ve begun the good-bye process. We had our last school assemblies this week and announced that this next week will be our last week for lunch club and after school club. We’ve also made similar announcements at boys and girls club, guitar club, brownies, and the various churches we work in. I know that I’ll be back in August so my sadness is not saying good-bye to the community but preparing to say good-bye to very meaningful friendships I’ve made on our team.

One of my favourite worship songs at the moment is a song called “‘Till I See You” by Hillsong United. I think the words are powerful in two context; the first being until we are united with God in heaven and the second when we are re-united with other believers. Much like the school friends we make throughout the years, I don’t know when I will see some of my teammates again when we say good-bye in just two weeks. However, I know they regardless of where life takes us, I will see them again one day in heaven. In a similar way, with so many of the people we have worked with, we have release them into Gods hands and trust that he will continue to work in their lives and that we will hopefully see them once again. The words to the song are:

Til I See You

The greatest love that anyone could ever know

That overcame the cross and grave to find my soul

And ’til I see You face to face

And grace amazing takes me home

I’ll trust in You

With all I am I live to see Your Kingdom come

And in my heart I pray you’d let Your will be done

And ’til I see You face to face

And grace amazing takes me home

I’ll trust in You

I will live to love You

I will live to bring You praise

I will live a child in awe of You

You are the voice that called the universe to be

You are the whisper in my heart that speaks to me

And ’til I see You face to face

And grace amazing takes me home

I’ll trust in You

You alone are God of all

You alone are worthy Lord

And with all I am my soul will bless

Your Name

Simple But Not Easy,
