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So this week I finally found what I’ve been looking for. Yes, I found an over sized Manchester United coffee mug. As many of you know I can be quite high maintenance and selective with things. After looking for several weeks, I’ve finally found an over sized coffee mug that was worthy of my 4 pounds. I’ve yet to actually drink coffee in it because I’ve been on a tea kick (with a bit of honey) the past several weeks.

Yesterday was the grand opening of the Albert Park Astro Pitch (aka an astroturf soccer field. Our team helped run the event in which there were over 150 young people in attendance. For the day, several hundred people came though to check things out, decorate a flower pot, take a few shots on goal, grab some food, try their luck at the climbing wall, play some video games on the Eden Bus, or participate in the 7 ball pool tournament. It was the first time an event like this had apparently ever been done specifically for the young people of Salford. This is just one of the many lasting and community changing projects our team has been able to take part in.

Today is Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week. It is also the start of a busy two weeks for us. The schools are out for the next two weeks for Easter/spring holiday. Our team will be busy with Palm Sunday services, our own evening service tonight (4/1), holiday clubs (3 day VBS programs), youth cafe’s, park days, football, Good Friday services for children and adults, and of course Easter Sunday. Please be in prayer for us that these varies events will continue to spread the light and love of Christ.

A while back I mentioned a video project that I was part of in, which I played Jesus. This will be shown on Good Friday in over 50 churches in the North of England as part of an event called God Friday. It is a 5-minute presentation of still images that portray the last days of Jesus. It is of course done with a modern twist as it is set in downtown Manchester. Although my opinion is a bit biased, I think the project was incredibly well done. My parents have a copy of it so if you would like to see it, get in contact with them.

I am nearly done with the book “The Irresistible Revolution” by Shane Claiborne. It has some very challenging material in it as well as many new and even radical ideas for ministry. We are reading “The Celebration of Discipline” by Richard J. Foster as a team, and will be starting “On Becoming a Leader” by Warren Bennis as part of our staff training.

A lesson that I have been learning this week is that of simplicity or living simple. Coming from the Western world, we so often try to complicate things and make life more difficult and busy than it needs to be. I don’t believe it is the way God intended us to live. Ecclesiastes 7:29 says, “I discovered that God created people to be upright, but they have each turned to follow their own downward path (NLT).” Author Richard J. Foster says that “God made mane simple; man’s complex problems are of his own devising” (Richard J. Foster Celebration of Discipline p 79). Shane Claiborne quotes Mother Teresa saying, “Following Jesus is simple, but not easy. Love until it hurts, and then love more (Shane Claiborne “The Irresistible Revolution” p 136).

Following Jesus and the life he modeled for us is simple; just love, love, love, and love even more. Choosing daily to live this life is the challenge. Be blessed in your choosing.

Simple but not easy,
