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Here are some photos of our team, our home, and a few photos of the community directly surrounding our home. I hope this gives you a better picture of my life here in Salford. Enjoy!!


The team.

L to R: Robby Randleman, Joshua Jacobs, Josh Edwards, Chad Mustain, Jarred Wagner, and Drew Van Tiem up front.

L to R back row: Andrea Siemers, Shannon Edwards, and Christine Pederson
L to R front row: Hilary King and Katie Mumper

Our house.

English style terrace housing. Ours is the first one on the right.

Our living room and main meeting room. Featured participants are Hilary King and Jarred Wagner’s leg.

The kitchen.

The essentials; the coffee maker and the electric kettle.

My room (I share with Drew) which was uncharacteristically messy this
day. Yes, I have more shoes here than any other person on the team.

A bathroom with a toilet. We have two like this. If you are doing the math, that’s 11 people and two toilets. Not fun.

A bathroom without a toilet. We have two like this.

More English style terrace housing. This is looking to the left from our home.

The corner shop that we nip down to daily.

St. John’s Church which is just around the corner from our house. This is the church we helped close last year.

One response to “Our team, home, and community”

  1. Hi Chad. I couldn’t fall asleep so I thought I would come check out your pictures. The last picture of St. John’s Church is so sad. Your final words make it so clear why you are there. I’m praying for you! Love you, Mom