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Hello All-

I apologize for not writing more of recent days. I’ve been very busy here in South Africa and there have been some computer/internet issues as well. I begin my journey back to England at 6pm local time and get back to England about 1:30 on Saturday. Please be in prayer for my travel etc.

I have had an amazing time here in Jeffrey’s Bay. The time with Heather has been absolutely brilliant. It has been so cool to see how God is moving here in Jeffrey’s Bay and how he has tuned our hearts to the work and ministry here. There is a wonderful staff here and it has been wonderful to dream and plan together. I’ll have more details about all of this in the coming days.

I have lots of pictures to upload once I get back to England. I have more pictures of our engagement, some pictures of our adventures (a wildlife reserve), and the ministry sites.

Thank you all again for your prayers, financial support, and congratulations for Heather and me. While we are not looking forward to two more months apart, we are so excited for all that God has in store for us. We welcome your prayers for us during this time apart and ask for your prayers as we try to finish well in both England and South Africa.

Living and Loving, Life and God!!


5 responses to “On My Way Back to Sunny Salford”

  1. Hello Chad,
    I was getting a little worried at your silence.
    So glad you have had a wonderful time with Heather, planning the future and so on.
    It was a wonderful day today here in sunny Salford,and Wales, we had Goeff’s funeral today.We had the roof down on the car.
    I pray that you have a good safe flight back dear. take care

  2. Hello Chad,
    I was getting a little worried at your silence.
    So glad you have had a wonderful time with Heather, planning the future and so on.
    It was a wonderful day today here in sunny Salford,and Wales, we had Goeff’s funeral today.We had the roof down on the car.
    I pray that you have a good safe flight back dear. take care

  3. Hey Chad! I have been thinking about you today as your travel back home. I’m sure leaving H wasn’t exactly the easiest thing to do, but just remember…you get to see we in 8 days! : ) Love you! – kate