
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Our FYM England 2007-2008 team arrives today. Please be in prayer that Katie, Jacobs, Jarred, and Robby will all arrive safely today. Please also be in prayer that God will work in their lives over the next week to help prepare them for this wild adventure they are about to embark on.

God has been very good over the past 10 days or so. I look forward to updating you more fully in the coming weeks. In short, God has allowed me to process the loss of family members over the past year and a half, grieve, release, and find freedom from past hurts, and is continually revealing his heart and will to me as I surrender to him.

I greatly anticipate all the good things God is going to do in the coming year. Please be in prayer for our staff, participants, community leaders, and the people of Salford.

Be Blessed,
