
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

In preparation for beginning our lives together and our move to Georgia to continue working with Adventures in Missions, Heather and I now have a joint blog. Instead of blogging individually to keep you all posted on the work that we are a part of and the difference your support is making in our world, we’ll be posting together. Our new blog is:
If you subscribe to my blog or to Heather’s, I’ve added you as a subscriber to our new blog. Our blogging might be a bit sporadic over the next few weeks with our wedding, honeymoon, and move to Georgia but we’ll be in a regular blogging routine soon.
Over the past month Heather has been working at Cornerstone Orthopedics and her last day is tomorrow. Heather worked at Cornerstone for several years before going to South Africa last year. I’ve been doing some landscaping and odd jobs for the Hsin family (who are hosting the wedding) since moving in with them at the end of June. The extra money from both jobs has been so nice and a huge blessing.
Support raising is going well. We are so blessed with a great team of supporters and are excited for the new supporters that have joined our team. We have about 75% of what we need for this next year of ministry and we trust that God will provide the rest before our move to Georgia. If you would like to support us or know someone who might be interested, please contact me at [email protected] for more information.
Please continue to pray for me and Heather as we move towards the wedding. We learn more and more about each other each day and over the past few weeks have experienced the joys and frustrations of merging two lives into one. 
Thank you for your love, prayers, and support!!
Chad and Heather