
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This morning I reflect on God’s goodness, his grace, and the prayers of this past week that he answered. The biggest news is that Laura did receive a new liver!! Laura came out of surgery in the early morning hours (eastern time) this morning. Don’s wife Connie has been keeping their blog up to date with the latest news. Their current prayer requests are:

That Laura’s body will accept the liver.
That Laura will come out of sedation after 3-4 days without brain damage.
The pneumonia…and overall stability in all functions.
The liver donor’s family. (She was a 65-year-old woman from Northern MI)

If you would like more information on how to more specifically pray for Laura and the Rock’s or would like to post comments for the Rock family, please see Don and Connie’s blog:

I had a good weekend and I think that God is making some sense of the questions, confusion, and brokenness in my life. Please continue to pray for both me and Heather as we prepare for marriage, try to plan and prepare while living on separate continents, for guidance, for strength to endure the distance, and to finish strong.

This past week I spent a lot of time preparing a lesson for our reading this week out of the book “Beyond Opinionâ€� by Ravi Zacharias. The chapter I will be leading discussion on this week is called “Existential Challenges of Evil and Suffering.” Something that God really convicted me of is my awareness of and prayer for the events and sufferings of the world.

It’s so easy to get caught up in our own worries and concerns. I know I often forget to pray for world conflicts, world leaders, and the global church. Something I really admire about the Church of England is their persistence in prayer not only for personal and local concerns but concerns throughout the world. Additionally, God has really challenged me to vocalize my prayers. So often I only pray in my head and heart and in my prayer journal. This morning as I was reading in Psalms I came across this simple verse that says:

Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly. Psalm 5:3 (NLT).

While God can no doubt hear our silent prayers and written prayers, I think there is something different when we vocalize them. Finding time to pray out loud on your own can be difficult in a house full of people and when you share a room. So, I’ve been challenged to get outside and verbalize my prayers as I walk around our community and in nature.

Speaking for prayer, I need to get out and do that now.

Be Blessed,

2 responses to “Monday Morning Thoughts”

  1. I love you so much son. I’m praying for you and Heather and all the many prayer concerns.

  2. Chad, thank you and all of your friends and family for praying for my sister. I am praying for you and Heather. I am excited about the things that God is teaching you, doing in you, and the man of God He is shaping you into.