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Last night I experienced one of the most unique and special services I have ever attended. At St. James Church we had an adapted traditional Jewish Passover Meal for our Maundy Thursday service. Several weeks back, three of my teammates went to a Jewish community center and attended a “how to put on a traditional Jewish Passover meal” class in order that we could have an adapted version at St. James. We had a sample of many traditional food items, wines, prayers, songs, readings, and of course each element of the service was explained as the service went along. It was such a unique experience and really helped prepare my heart for Good Friday and ultimately for Easter.

Today I have a kids Good Friday service at 11am, a service of meditation at 2pm, and then the God Friday (yes, God Friday) service at 7:30pm. At the evening service tonight the video in which I portray Jesus will be shown.

I played a song last night and will play it again tonight that was written by a friend of Vicar Henry Martin. The words are beautiful as it describes what Christ endured for you and for me. Read, enjoy, remember . . . .

He Was Pierced

by Maggi Dawn

Verse 1

He was pierced for our transgressions

And bruised for our iniquities

And to bring us peace He was punished

And by His stripes we are healed

Verse 2

He was led like a lamb to the slaughter

Although He was innocent of crime

And cut off from the land of the living

He paid for the guilt that was mine


We like sheep have gone astray

Turned each one to his own way

And the Lord has laid on Him

The iniquity of us all

Misc 1 (DESCANT)

Lamb like a lamb

To the slaughter He came

And the Lord laid on Him

The iniquity of us all

Simple but not easy,
