
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

So, on this day of Thanksgiving, I reflect on my many blessings. I am blessed to be part of a great organization like Adventures in Missions. I am blessed to serve with an awesome team of staff and participants here in England. I am blessed with incredible friendships in England, the States, and really all over the world. I am blessed with a loving and supportive family. I am blessed with a wonderful team of supporters that join with me in God’s work. I am blessed to be healthy physically. I am blessed to be in an awesome season of life in my relationship with God as well.

I am also blessed to be dating an absolutely wonderful girl who has utterly stolen my heart. Please allow me to introduce you to Heather Beard.

Heather is 24 years old, is from New York State, and graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Heather is a committed Christ follower, passionate about missions and ministry, a gifted women of prayer, and a beautiful vocalist. Heather and I met at new staff training with Adventures in Missions in September. After just a few days she and I quickly hit it off and realized that there was something special between us.

Heather is on staff at the First Year Missionary location in Jeffrey’s Bay, South Africa. Yes, that’s right, we’ve been doing the long distance thing since saying good-bye to each other on September 20h. We have been counting down the days for longer than I care to remember and we are so excited to see each another on December 20th. Heather will be spending Christmas with my family and then we will be spending the end of December and New Year’s with hers.

Heather and I are currently memorizing Psalm 34 together and I’d like to close with two of my favourite verses from this chapter:

“Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who trust in him! Let the Lord’s people show him reverence, for those who honour him will have all they need” (NLT).

We are very excited to see how God develops our relationship over the upcoming months. We welcome your prayers as we seek what God might have in store for us.

All glories and honours to the Famous One!!


10 responses to “Many Blessings”

  1. Chad,
    Heather is just beautiful! Isn’t that the best feeling . . . .? To know that you have found her and hat God arranged it . . .? Blessings to you both as you serve him and I pray your time apart only makes december even sweeter 🙂

    with love and prayers,
    Kristen P. bagwell

  2. Chad

    Jan and I are absolutely thrilled for you and Heather. God bless you both and your families as well.

  3. We are so thrilled for you both such as…excited…to see what God has in store for you…such as…whatever! I’ll pass along a hug as I get to spend time with your wonderful girl soon! Can’t wait. You know…you have our prayers.

  4. When you use words that mushy and gushy… Geesh! She must be something special. Glad to hear you’ve found someone you’re smitten over.

  5. Hey friend,

    You know Jeff and I love you and Heather. We are glad to get to walk through this with you even fron afar! We are praying..

    love, Kelly

  6. Hey friend,

    You know Jeff and I love you and Heather. We are glad to get to walk through this with you even from afar! We are praying..

    love, Kelly