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Last night I had the opportunity to go to a Manchester United football match with Graham, the church-warden from St. Andrews in Higher Blackley. When I was at St. Andrews Sunday night leading worship he mentioned that he had an extra ticket. I said I’d love to go if he’d like some company because I’d never been before. Going to a European football match puts to shame any American sporting event I’ve ever been to, including an OU football game, a Yankees game (although in Arlington) and seeing Michael Jordan.

Here are a couple of photos from the game. Enjoy!!


It was hard to get a good photo of the stadium, Old Trafford the “Theatre of Dreams”, at night.

Me and Graham.

The pre-match introductions.

A bit of the action. It was a crowd of over 75,000. Manchester United beat Portsmouth 2-0.

10 responses to “Manchester United Match”

  1. This just goes to show we MUST get to a Yankee game in Yankee stadium!! Arlington just doesn’t cut it. Actually it looks awesome. I too, am jealous!!!

  2. Chadster, you are truly experiencing all
    that England has to offer. American football is still better though……..right?

  3. Hey Chad thank’s for the mention, after all
    we did invent the game, next time you must go to a real game CITY till I die

  4. Hey Chad I hope you know how blessed you are – I know many kids in England who would spend their last penny just to get a CHANCE to go to a Man Utd game! Many have never seen them play live – let alone at Old Trafford – good for you and how generous of your friend Graham!!!

    Now you’ve seen REAL football – you’ll never want go back to watch the nonsense they call Football in the US – right? (Sorry I couldn’t resist ;-))

  5. ps its Portsmouth (pronounced Portsmuth) not Port Smith (that gave me a chuckle) if you want to correct your cation 🙂

  6. While I agree that a sporting event like this may be awesome I think you’re a little extreme on the OU fb game thing… I think it’s also because you didn’t really GO to OU…

    I will say though, had I had the chance to go to an All Blacks rugby match in New Zealand I probably would have said the same thing! They’re awesome!