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In the Welsh language the double “L” is pronounced like a “K” sound. Pronouncing the word Llandudno is not quite that simple though. In addition to the “K” sound you also have to act like you are working up a good spit. So, put the “K” sound and the sound of working up a good spit together and you’ve pronounced Llandudno correctly. And, that my friend’s is about the extent of my understanding of the Welsh language.

We had an excellent weekend away in Llandudno, Wales. Thank you for all the prayers while we were away; they definitely paid off. In addition to the beautiful scenery and being right on the Irish Sea, God did some wonderful things in the lives of our FYM team and more importantly in the lives of the group of young adults from the Greater Manchester area.

The theme for the weekend was “Soul.” Some of the questions, thoughts, challenges, and scriptures from the weekend were:

• So what’s the music in my soul?
• Soul: Getting it, having it, giving it.
• Revelation 3:20, Luke 11:39-40, and John 20:22
• Soul: The real me, the inner me, the secret me, the best me, the generous me.

The biggest blessing in my life was the opportunity to the lead the group in worship for the weekend. While I do get loads of opportunities to play here in England, I do miss the intimacy and richness of the modern worship style that is predominant in the churches in the States. This weekend was just a taste of that as the group engaged with God in worship. Helping lead people to a place where they connect with God through music is probably single greatest thing that makes my heart come alive, when I feel full of purpose, and I am doing what I am most passionate about. I wish I could better articulate what this is like for me. When God tunes your heart to a ministry, or a location, or a group of people, doing anything but that feels weird and unnatural. However, when you are doing what God has tuned your heart to, it’s like the planets a line, everything in this messed up world makes sense for just a moment, and you get this glimpse of the face of the Lord shining down upon us. That intimate moment of worship between God and his people is what I think of when I think of heaven and I love getting a glimpse of that here on earth.

Sorry, that was a bit of a tangent into my heart of hearts, my soul.

The two pictures that I posted are the 2007-2008 FYM England Team and Staff and the group that went on the Wales retreat weekend. Click on or copy and paste the following link into your web browser for the rest of my pcitures from Wales:

Cross your fingers that we will FINALLY get the internet up and working in our house this week. As funny as it might seem, we actually welcome your prayers for this because it’s been an incredibly frustrating process.

Another random thought; I highly recommend the worship album called “Constant.” It’s a bit different but is a fresh breath of worship. It’s an album made up of various up and coming worshippers and Christian music artists. You should check it out.

One of my favourite parts from the song “Only Love” by Audra Lynn says:

I see dark but you see lovely. And I see ashes, you see beauty within me. You give me gladness for my mourning; you are my only love. You are my only love.

My favourte tracks are:
“Lovesick” by Misty Edwards
“Only Love” by Audra Lynn
“Dark But Lovely” by Sarah Edwards

Thank you for your prayers and support. I think about you all and pray for you each day. You are such a blessing to me. Please continue to pray for me, our team, and our work in here in England. I love your comments on my blog and your emails; they are such an encouragement to me.

In the words of Paul:

May the Lord of peace himself always give you his peace no matter what happens. The Lord be with you all.
2 Thessalonians 3:18 (NLT)

3 responses to “Llandudno”

  1. Hi Chad, I love all your pictures from Wales. How absolutely gorgeous! I hear what your saying about worship, and the longing in my heart is much the same. I miss you leading in worship so much. Love and miss you tons. I’m praying for you. Sweet dreams!

  2. “…everything in this messed up world makes sense for just a moment, and you get this glimpse of the face of the Lord shining down upon us.”

    Oh that is SO well put!!

  3. Hi. Delighted you enjoyed Wales. Try putting your tongue between your back teeth and blowing out to make the Ll sound! Best wishes.