
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Well, it’s hard to believe that our first semester is nearly done. We’ll be leaving for debrief in about an hour. Please pray for our travel, that our accommodations would work out well, that we’d have a lot of fun, that’d celebrate what God has done in our lives as individuals and the ministry/community, that we’d take care of any unfinished matters, and that we’d be prepared to head back to the States for Christmas break.

Having recently read both “Velvet Elvis” and “Sex God” by Rob Bell, I sort of have him on the brain at the moment. Two thoughts from “Velvet Elvis” that I am living in at the moment are:

Not only is the way narrow, but it involves suffering. To truly engage with how the world is, our hearts are going to be broken again and again. Rob Bell “Velvet Elvis” p 169

Following Jesus may bring on problems you never imagined. Rob Bell “Velvet Elvis” p 170

On the Journey,



Some extra food for thought . . . .

“When people say that the authority of Scripture or the centrality of Jesus is in question, actually it’s their social, economic and political system that has been built in the name of Jesus that’s being threatened,” Bell says. “Generally lurking below some of the more venomous, vitriolic criticism is somebody who’s created a facade that’s not working… But I love everybody and you’re next!” he says, giggling. “That’s how I respond to criticism.” Rob Bell’s response in the Chicago Sun Times

2 responses to “Leaving for Debrief”

  1. God has worked – your journey has been a challenge for the 1st half – the 2nd half – May God take the road and widen it just a little more. SAFE JOURNEY BACK TO THE STATES FOR ALL.