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Thoughts & Inspiration

As our time winds down here in England, I find that the good-byes and “last times” getting harder and harder with each passing day. Yesterday was my last time to do a scripture reading at St. James and my last time to lead worship at the evening service at St. Andrews. My reading at St. James was very fitting as it was the passage I used in my blog “Committed to the Call” ( just last week. Reading from Acts 1:6-14 we were all reminded to “. . . . tell people about me everywhere – in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

God is very much alive and moving here in England. The issue at hand is not if missionaries will “bring” God to England but if Christ-followers (wherever they are at) will ask for eyes to see where God is moving and then take action and join in. Author Rob Bells writes:

Missions then is less about the transportation of God from one place to another and more about the identification of a God who is already there. It is almost as if being a good missionary means having really good eyesight. Or maybe it means teaching people to use their eyes to see things that have always been there; they just didn’t realize it. You see God where others don’t. And then you point him out. Perhaps we ought to replace the word missionary with tour guide, because we cannot show people something we haven’t seen. (Rob Bell “Velvet Elvis” p 87-88)

As my time here in England ends, I am not looking for the next place I can “take” God but rather for eyes to see where God is already moving and if there is a way that I can join in. Please continue to pray for Heather and me as we pursue joining in with the work that God is doing in Gainesville, GA.

On Tuesday I am going on my last hike with Drew, Ian, and Graham (who I went to the Manchester United game with).

Snowden is the highest mountain in Wales and the highest British mountain south of the Scottish Highlands (thanks Wikipedia. See: for more info).

This week will also be my last weekly discipleship time with Dean. On Saturday we are going to go into town for a meal and a movie just to celebrate all of his growth and our friendship over these past two years. Saturday night is our big leaving-do that the different churches we partner with are putting on for us. While it will be a great time of laughter and remembering good times, it will be a very sad time for us as well.

Thank you so much to those of you who have already responded to supporting Heather and me in our next year of ministry. We would ask that you continue to pray about supporting us financially. If you feel God is leading you to support us, please email me at [email protected] or click the following link to do so:

Living and Loving, Life and God,
