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Thoughts & Inspiration

Ministry in England happens in lot’s of different ways with lot’s of different people. Several of us have been called to reach out to the 60 and better crowd at the churches we attend. My life has been blessed with a friendship I have in a 67 year old women called Madeline Walker. Needless to say, Madeline and I are a match made in heaven. When we attend church services we try to spread out and sit with people who are alone. Madeline always sits toward the back on the right side and one week I decided to join her. Well, she and I hit it off right a way and we now have a weekly “date” on Wednesday’s. Madeline takes me to her favourite places to eat and even cooked for me this past Saturday.

Madeline and I talk about everything under the sun. We share a lot about our family’s, our interests, places we’ve traveled, and most importantly our relationship with God. Madeline’s husband past away recently so she shares lot’s of stories about “her Sid” as well as telling me about her favourite grandson Blue (named after the Manchester City football team’s colours). Madeline has always been around church but re-established her relationship and love for God after one of her grandchildren passed away unexpectedly. She is now one of the most active and influential members of St. James Church.

She is truly a blessing to me and a good friend. She has helped me discover God in a new and fresh way.

I lead worship again at St. James on Sunday. I’ve shared with you how beautiful a sight and sound it is to see men, women, and children of all ages worship. I would just be repeating myself to describe it all again. In your mind’s eye, picture your most meaningful worship experience and that is what we experienced again on Sunday. God is good!

I think my favourite part about yesterday was taking three completely unchurched young people to a live TV event called God TV. It was being filmed live and was broadcast all over the world, including the States. It was very typical of a large Christian event you would attend in the States. A popular British Christian band called “The Band with No Name” headlined the event. The three girls who Francesca and I took said that they never thought they could go to church and have a laugh and not be laughing at the church.

I hope you can catch that God is moving in Salford. In fact, he is moving by leaps and bounds and it is so exciting to see. Please continue to pray for the young people. You can pray for Tom, Ray, Loren, Shinade, and Kayle by name.

All Glories and Honors to the Famous One,
