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We’ve had a great week thus far here in Salford. Tuesday through Friday St. James Church is hosting their summer holiday club (VBS) for 5-12 year olds, with this year’s theme being “Trash Transformers.” The theme is two fold as we learn about how Jesus desires to transform our lives as well as learning how to be good stewards in our world through recycling, conserving water and electricity etc.

I’ve led the music each day and that has been a lot of fun. I’m also the co-leader of the group “Corky’s Cookies.” I’m not quite sure where the name came from, ha ha. It’s such a blessing to see the face’s of these kids light up while watching the dramas, doing crafts, singing songs, and learning about God’s desire for our lives and our world. Please be in prayer that we will finish up strong and that many of the kids who are attending who don’t regularly attend church will bring their families on Sunday.

The rest of the staff is arriving this week. Andrea arrived on Monday while Drew arrives Thursday and Christine arrives on Saturday. There is much to do in preparation for the team arriving in September. The biggest answer to prayer is that we were able to find a better house to rent for the next year. Please pray that all the paper work goes smoothly and that we are able to move in sometime in the next two weeks.

I love hearing from you all so please post a comment on my blog or feel free to email me as well at [email protected]. Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support.


4 responses to “Holiday Club”

  1. Chad, You are such a blessing in the dark corners of this world! Keep up God’s good work! Daily prayers continue!

  2. Hey Chad! I’m glad to hear VBS is going well! You’re in my thoughts and prayers often. Miss you! -Katie Sue : )

  3. Yes…better house…this is good. VBS is so cool. Kids infuse you with energy and their hunger for God is simply refreshing.

  4. Hey Chad,

    Really enjoy hearing everything you are doing there. How cool! Just think of all the opportunties you have had there to reach so many people and those that you have. Like you said when you were here last time – maybe Africa next! So very cool. Live your dreams!
