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So, yesterday I was talking to my house mate Drew and I mentioned that I’ve never shaved my head before. He told me he thought it was something every man should do at least once. So, late last night, I decided to go for it. Don’t worry, I did consult Heather before doing so.

So yeah, there you have it. That’s me with a shaved head. Please, try not to laugh too hard.

On a different note . . . . yesterday I read Isaiah 12 and found it to be very encouraging and I thought I’d share that with you this morning.

In that day you will sing:
“Praise the Lord!
He was angry with me,
but now he comforts me.
See, God has come to save me.
I will trust in him and not be afraid.
The Lord God is my strength and my song;
he has become my salvation.”

With joy you will drink deeply from the fountain of salvation! In that wonderful day you will sing:

“Thank the Lord!
Praise his name!
Tell the world what he has done.
Oh, how mighty he is!
Sing to the Lord,
for he has done wonderful things.
Make known his praise around the world.
Let all the people of Jerusalem shout his praise with joy!
For great is the Holy One of Israel who lives among you.”

Have a laugh at my expense and be blessed!!


15 responses to “Have a Laugh”

  1. Benefits of the shaved head:
    Save on shampoo (and for some other products)
    Cut your hair yourself
    No bed head!
    No need to worry about losing comb or brush

    I would like to see if you can get Rock to do it too.

  2. Chad,

    Welcome to my world! I love the shaved head look(as you know that’s how I wear my hair, by necesity of course!) And your blogger is right on all the benefits. I figure over the past 2 years I have saved over $500 in haircuts alone.

    I encourage all your male bloggers don’t hide behind your hair any longer go back to your natural state as God brought you into the world, long live the smooth head!


  3. Yeah! your dad does sport the shaved head well. At least you did’t go from the real long to the shaved. you actually look older.

    I am glad you guys cut loose and have a little fun and crazyness with each other.

    God loves you guys for all you do.

  4. Chadster,

    Extra Sunscreen: $8.59

    Electric Razor: $25.00

    David Crowder Look: Priceless!

    Isaiah 52:14 (you gotta read this!)

  5. whew…I am speechless…but having a dang good laugh…I’d shave my head, but my scalp is such a patchwork of moles…I’d look like an Appaloosa’s qtr end!

  6. Welcome to our world. Like your dad, my head is out of necessity too. One other benefit-you get out the door in the morning a little sooner. When I first shaved my head, and took off my baseball cap, the kids at Ariana’s school giggled, and asked me if they could touch my head. We all had a good laugh doing it.
    Now if you really want to look cool, take a razor to it and you’ll look just like the first day you were born! HaHa

  7. welcome to my world too Chad!

    Glad I looked at this or I might not have recognised you at Bath Spa station tomorrow 🙂

    REALLY looking forward to seeing you!

  8. OMG this is way crazy…
    Skin heads are not MY thing…
    Hillbilly thinks it looks cool.

  9. It is pretty sad when you have to shave your head to get the most responses you have ever had to your blog. Looks good on you Chad but you know I’m bias to the shaved head look.

  10. Hey. You look different with the shaved head. Congratulations on your engagement to Heather.

    Your buddy in Norman OKlahoma

    Chris M