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Wow, what a brilliant weekend!! I truly, truly had an absolutely wonderful time. Some of the highlights were worshipping with Matt Redman, hearing challenging talks from John L. Bell and John Smith, hanging out with wonderful friends like Luke, Francesca, and Alan, discovering loads of new music artists, eating some great food, and just breathing deep the things of God. Many thanks go to Alan who was so generous to me in so many ways over the weekend.

For pictures of the weekend, copy and paste the link below into your web browser:

We begin the grueling process of moving house today and tomorrow so please be in prayer that all of that goes well. On Friday, Andrea, Christine, Drew, and myself will all be heading back to the States for 10 days of staff training. Drew and I will stay for an additional 10 days until September 20th for training camp with our new team.

You can pray specifically for:

1. Moving house

2. Travel to the States and back to the UK

3. Our training

4. The new FYM team and their training

5. For God’s blessing on this next year and all the wonderful things he would like to do in and through us

I can’t tell you all enough how much your prayers, emails, and support mean to me. I don’t think we’ll know the full effective our collective work here in England until we are in heaven one day. What a glorious day that will be.

Living and Loving, Life and God,


5 responses to “Greenbelt Part 2”

  1. All the best for the move and your travels/training Chad.

    Glad you enjoyed Greenbelt – felt sure you would 🙂 you had a wonderful weekend for weather too.

    love from

    Robin & Karen

  2. Keeping you and requests close to our heart and before God in prayer.

    Much love,
    Mom and Dad

  3. Keeping you and requests close to our heart and before God in prayer.

    Much love,
    Mom, Dad, and Katie Sue

  4. Prayers headed your way! So, let’s see that puts you in jet lag about October?! Wow you sure get around. Have enough frequent flyer miles for that trip to Mars yet? Hope all goes well with the move and the trip.

    Take Care
    Mark and Christy