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Well, we had a great week of ministry this past week. The holiday club went very well and the kids really enjoyed it.

Rockin’ out to the “classic hit” Lord I Lift Your Name on High.

In addition to having a great time, they heard about the love of Christ each day and had the Gospel presented on Thursday in their small groups. Please be in prayer that the seeds of the Gospel will grow in the hearts of these children.

The Gospel being presented.

On Monday’s I have the opportunity to help out with a prayer group at one of the local primary schools. This has become a very unique opportunity because the group is a good combination of Christian kids or kids just checking things out and Muslim kids. The head teacher of the school has begun to call it a “multi-faith” prayer group. While multiple faiths might be represented, the message of Christ is being taught each week. Please be in prayer for Hilary and me as we get to share the hope and love of Jesus to around 10 kids each week who are hungry for words and songs of hope, love, and peace that come from our Saviour Jesus.

Tomorrow I have a busy day as I will be playing at the St. James “All-Age” service. At the All-Age service the children and youth stay in the service and the songs and message are targeted towards them. We’ve invited all the kids from holiday club to join as well so we are hoping that they will turn up.

Sunday evening I’ll be leading worship at St. Andrews in Higher Blackley. As sort of a next step for their youth group that meets on Friday nights, the youth have been invited to attend the worship time this Sunday evening. It’s bit smaller, more intimate setting and again, the message and worship will be targeted more so towards them. It’s an awesome opportunity to help them take their faith deeper so please be in prayer for this as well.

I leave for South Africa in four days and will be with Heather in five days. Please pray for me as I have over 24 hours of travel time ahead of me. Please pray that all my flights arrive and depart on time, that my luggage would arrive, that I wouldn’t have any problems getting through customs, and that my late night layover of about 6 hours in Johannesburg would go all right. Stay tuned for all of the latest news and exciting developments . . . .

Thank you for all the prayers and support. It truly is a blessing and makes a difference in my life and the work God is doing.

May we go in peace to love and serve the Lord,

2 responses to “Great Week of Ministry”

  1. There is nothing like a great week of ministry! Thanks for faithfully sharing about the ministries and your journey. We are praying for you as you have another busy and exciting week ahead of you. Please pass along a hug for me… to Heather!