
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This past week my parents, Katelyn, and a family friend where able to come to England. It was great to have them meet the team, attend a communion service at St. James, meet my friends and ministry partners, and see our various ministry sites. Of course we did some tourist things as well and took in the sites of Chester and London. Here are photos of a few of the highlights.

The family under the clock in the city centre of Chester

The stained glass windows at the Chester Cathedral are incredible.

Big Ben (and Parliament) is one of my favourite structures in the world.

Katelyn and Paige in front of Buckingham Palace.

This is my favourite statue in London outside of Parliament which is of Richard the Lionheart.

To see all of my photos from Chester and London, click on each link.

Please continue to pray for Heather and me as we seek what is best for us and where God is leading us. We are both so grateful for your prayers, comments, support, and financial support. We hope to have more information for you all in the coming weeks about how you can specifically join with us in prayer and in supporting us financially. It’s been difficult being apart since getting engaged on February 29th and ask for your prayers that we would rely on God, find our strength in him, and stay focused on our ministry sites.

It’s hard to believe but I only have 6 weeks of regular ministry and 7 full weeks left here in England before heading back to the States. Please be in prayer for us that we will finish well and finish strong.


2 responses to “Great Week”

  1. Looks like “spring” in London has not changed since the last time I was through there.

    I like the pic where you show the bus with the sign – “What your head”. I think that had a little different meaning a few centuries ago.

    You guys are in our prays and we lift you up in our small group.


  2. Chadster,
    You guys are going to be so blessed for all the blessings you have given others and letting God use you for His higher will. Cheryl and I spend months apart before we could be together and it was agonizing, but as always, God used that time to forge an amazing friendship underneath our marriage, that withstands many storms. Your appreciation for each other will overcome many insignificant things………….and there is an end in sight to your being apart. Please know that you both are in our prayers as well as your ministries.

    In Him,
