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Thoughts & Inspiration

This morning I finished reading the book “Breaking the Missional Code” by Ed Stetzer and David Putman. There are many great thoughts found in this book but my favourite is what a disciple or follower of Christ looks like. The working definition they used throughout the book was:

“. . . one who lives like Jesus lived, loves like Jesus loved, and leaves behind what Jesus left behind.” Ed Stetzer and David Putman “Breaking the Missional Code” p 227

To live like Jesus lived and love like Jesus loved seems simple enough to understand, in theory any way. Putting that belief into practice is a completely different matter. But, you might be asking, “what is it that Jesus left behind?” I’m glad you asked. What Jesus left behind was men and women who are to live like he lived and love like he loved. That is you and me; the universal church, the hands and feet of Christ.

It’s such a simple truth and way to live but certainly not something that is easy to put into practice. And that is the challenge that you and I can choose to accept or reject each and every day. Will you live like Jesus lived, love like he loved, and help disciple others to this way of life as well?

Today I choose the way of Jesus!!

Simple but not easy,
