
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I just finished a video Skype conversation with my good friend and accountability partner Don Rock. Saying Don is my accountability partner seems a bit cheesy and I don’t think really does justice to the level of friendship and honesty we share. Today was actually the first time I have seen him since I left Gainesville, GA in September. It’s pretty funny considering at the moment he is in South Africa with his wife Connie visiting some of the other AIM teams and locations. I’m so happy that Heather is able to spend some time with Don and his wife Connie.

Don and Connie are just one of several married couples that Heather and I have mentoring us, offering advise, and praying for us. Here is a picture of me, Heather, Don and Connie out back of the AIM office in Gainesville:

Don and Connie Rock, Heather Beard and Chad Mustain

In addition to our families and Don and Connie, Heather and I also have great friends like Jeff and Kelly Bagwell and Tag and Holly Thompson helping us along on our journey together as well.

For the past week I have daily been writing out my gratitude list. Near the top of my list each day is my family, friends from all over the world, and supporters who enable me to be where I am and experiencing all that God is doing in my life. Thank you so much for your prayers, support, emails, comments etc. You all are truly a blessing to me.

Heather and I have memorized Psalm 34 up through verse 10. May favourite verse from this passage at the moment is verse 5 which says:

Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces (NLT).

May you be radiant with joy today!!
