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For the better part of the last two years I have lived and worked with Christine, Drew, and Andrea. I feel so fortunate to have lived in the deepness and richness of community that we experience together. It is such a joy to be able to laugh together, serve together, encourage, and support each other. We have truly made some awesome memories.

Christe, Drew, and Andrea overlooking Budapest.

Our time together is quickly drawing to a close as I will be leaving on May 16th. They will be staying through the end of the summer. As a bit of a “last hurrah” together, we went to Budapest, Hungary from Wednesday to Friday this week. (If you are ever in Europe, RyanAir is one of the cheapest ways to get around!!)

Here are a few pictures from our time there:

I love statues!!

Fisherman’s Bastion

Me and Drew along the River Danube

For more pictures, go to:

This next week begins our two-week “good-bye” process at our various ministry sites. Tomorrow will be my last time to lead worship at St. James’. I’m excited to have Dean help me lead the songs tomorrow. The amount of growth he has gone through is amazing and I’m excited for him to continue to grow and mature into a leader at St. James’ Church.

For those of you waiting for my major update, I’ll posting that on Monday so stay tuned!!

Be Blessed,

2 responses to “Good times, Great friends”

  1. Cant really make you out in that last pic
    because of that glare off the top of your