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Thoughts & Inspiration

Today I took part in 3 Good Friday services. The first was a kid’s service that I did the music for. The second was a service of meditation for believers. The third was an outreach event targeted at non-believers. The service of meditation was again a beautiful and well-done service. The theme of the service was the tragedy and triumph of the cross. There was a mix of readings, prayers, music, and silent meditation. The outreach service was called “God Friday” again, was well done. One of the highlights of the service was writing down sins or burdens on a piece of paper and putting them in a rubbish bin and then setting fire to them. It was a moving site to see the sins and burdens of many people being given over to God through his son’s death on the cross. I was honoured to being leading the congregation in some great hymns (What Kind of Love Is This and Here Is Love) as this was taking place.

On Sunday I am helping with the music for our Easter services. One of my guitar students will be playing with me on the song “Lord I Lift Your Name on High.” He has worked very hard and has achieved the goal we set, which was to play with me in a service. He will one day be the future worship leader of St. James Church I and I’m so thrilled that I have had a part in training him musically and helping him in life.

The following poem was written by a by a local man from Manchester. It was read in our service tonight and I found the words to be quite moving:

In perfect solitude,
abandoned by all who call him friend.
Yet surrounded by his enemies,
who plot his life’s end.

Tears well up from his centre,
as one of his beloved betrays him, traitor.
Humanity comes in hatred and loathing,
to arrest and trial it’s Creator.

Lies abound in the trial,
as the father of them runs amock.
Perfect tranquility meets the momentary anarchy,
integrity faces deceptions attack.

Trap after trap is laid for him,
his silence diffuses them in disarray.
Mock evidence exposes his vulnerability,
his judge’s verdict Blasphemy!

The crowd is stirred ranting and raving,
In diabolical ecstasy “Crucify him!”
A terrorist walks free granted amnesty,
love substituted for insanity his executioners leading.

In perfect solitude,
abandoned by all who call him friend.
Yet surrounded by his enemies,
who take him to his end.

I close this entry with a prayer we prayed today.

God of grace
We thank you that you sent your Son, Jesus
To break down the barrier of death
And bring life and immortality to light through the gospel
He shared our life,
Took upon himself our death
And opened the kingdom of heaven to all believers

Look not on us
But look on us found in Him
And bring us safely through the judgment to the joy and
Peace of your presence

I love the line “Look not on us but look on us found in Him.”

May you be found in Him,