
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This morning at our worship and prayer time we shared prayer requests and praises and prayed for one another. I felt there was a theme of how God is moving in and through us and our work. More importantly, the way God seems to be moving is in such a way that his movement will long out last our time and efforts here. Whether its a bible study for women in Blackley, a young professionals group in Manchester, a bible study for secondary school guys, the youth group at St. James, or relationships with specific individuals, it was very evident that God is moving. What is so encouraging about these ministries is that they each have great potential for growth to continue when our time here ends. Please pray that God would rise up leaders within these groups or that specific people we are investing in would rise up and carry the light and love of Christ when our time here ends.

Over the weekend I had several opportunities to hang out with and invest in the lad I meet with on Tuesday’s. He did brilliantly memorizing his first 3 verses (Jer. 29:11, Micah 6:8, and Phil. 4:6-7) and as was agreed we went to a film together on Saturday. Even in this time of fun and celebration, God used me in several teachable moments with him. On Sunday’s I am now teaching him on both the acoustic guitar and bass guitar so that has been a lot of fun and a great experience. I also gave him 3 more verses to work on (John 14:6, Eph. 2:10, and Psalm 34:1-3) that we will be going over in our time together today. We are switching our meeting location from Subway to my local favourite Pizza House (pizza, burgers, chips aka “fries”, kebabs etc. and it’s oh so good!!) Please continue to pray for our time together, that he would recognize his potential, and for his home life.

On a personal level, I would ask for your prayers as well. I don’t know how to pinpoint the request exactly but I would greatly appreciate your prayers. In broad terms please pray with me about direction, wisdom, restoration, healing, refinement, growth, and grace.

May we live life in all his fullness!!


P.S. It’s 23 days until my trip to South Africa to visit Heather!!