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Thoughts & Inspiration

So, I’m going to begin this post with a shameless plug for David Crowder *Band. If you have not heard the new album “Remedy” you need to check it out. I know some of you are probably thinking, “Chad, you know how I feel about that man and his joyful noise (noise being the key word) to the Lord.” Well, I’d just encourage you still to check it out.


Lyrically I believe it is his best album yet. I think at the heart of this album is a cry to God for the hurt, the poor, the broken, and the oppressed. The lyrics point clearly to God as the “Remedy” (hence the album name) but also continually ask what our role as Christ-followers is in God’s work.


One of my favourte songs from the album is “Glory Of It All.” The lyrics of the chorus and bridge are:


Oh, the glory of it all, is He came here

For the rescue of us all, that we may live

For the glory of it all, oh, He is here

With redemption from the fall, that we may live

For the glory of it all, oh, the glory of it all


After night, comes a light

Dawn is here, dawn is here

It’s a new day, a new day, oh, everything will change

Things will never be the same, we will never be the same.

“Glory Of It All” by David Crowder


I’m here in England for no glory of my own but for His glory, all for the glory of the Lord. I’m here trying to bring love, redemption, worth, and value to the people I encounter and through this “re-humanizing” of people then sharing with them the wonderful love and hope found in Christ. I pray that with each new day, everything will change in me and that I won’t be the same as Christ moves here in Salford.


I had just a rich time with God this morning and I wanted to share of what God revealed to me. I’ve been praying intensely for direction and clarity concerning the next season of life God is leading me towards. I have been very frustrated over the past two weeks feeling that I’ve not heard any clear words from God on this matter. And then this morning I found myself in Psalm 81 and it was as if God was speaking directly to me. I encourage you to check it out. Here is what I believe God spoke to me through this passage. Each scripture excerpt is from the New Living Translation.


Psalm 81:

Vs 5: I heard an unknown voice (God) that said,

Vs 6: Now I will relieve your shoulder of this burden; I will free your hands from their heavy tasks.

Vs 7: You cried to me . . . . I answered . . . . I tested your faith . . . . when you complained . . . .

Vs 8: Listen to me . . . . if you would only listen!

Vs 10: . . . . Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it with good things.

Vs 11: But no, my people wouldn’t listen.

Vs 12: So I let them . . . . living according to their own desires.

Vs 13: But oh, that my people would listen to me! Oh, that Israel would follow me, walking in my paths!

Vs 16: But I would feed you with the best of foods. I would satisfy you with wild honey from the rock.


This passage was confirmation of things that God revealed to me Sunday night. I’m thrilled to have heard from God and I’m so excited to walk on the path that he’s revealed to me and laid before me. Please pray for me on this journey!


Yesterday concluded our orientation time with the new FYM team. Today is sort of our official start day in the schools, after school clubs, youth clubs etc. Please be in prayer that all of our training will pay off as they dive into ministry here in Broughton and in Blackley. I have great confidence that God is going to do some brilliant things in the upcoming days as He continues to build on the work and foundation of last year.


Yesterday I had the opportunity to be a part of 2 distinctly different but equally beautiful services of praise. In the morning I served at St. James Church (where I typically am at most Sundays) and lead a few songs of worship as well as ran the CD player because the organist fell ill. Despite the last minute challenges and changes, it was a beautiful service of praise and reflection of God’s beauty in creation as well as the beauty of the work He is doing at St. James Church.


In the evening I lead worship at a new church we will be working with this year, which is St. Andrews Church in Blackley. St. Andrew’s is trying to re-launch themselves in their community and as part of this had an awesome community festival on Saturday that our team helped with. Well over a thousand people came to this event and many were exposed to St. Andrew’s for the very first time.


Sunday night was just a time of thanksgiving and reflection with the core group at St. Andrew’s. We had an unplugged time of worship, prayer, scripture reading, and sharing of all the cool things God has done and is continuing to do. It was just a beautiful time together with a wonderful community of people and I was honoured to help facilitate the time last night.


After the service I had tea and toast with my good friend and the vicar of St. Andrew’s, Ian Fellows. There were also three lovely older ladies there with us who have known Ian from his early days as a curate (vicar in training) about 10 years ago. They came down for the weekend to support and pray for Ian and St. Andrew’s on this “re-launching” weekend. It was a blessing to be around three incredible women after God’s heart. Even in their old age they are still passionate and active in the work of God and it was brilliant to get to know them and pray together.


So, I guess that sort of brings things up to date on all that God is doing in my life as well as some highlights of ministry and things to pray for. I’d like to leave you with another portion of a David Crowder song called “Surely We Can Change.” This is the challenge I’d like to impart on you as you go about your lives this week.


Where there is pain, let us bring grace

Where there is suffering, bring serenity

For those afraid, let us be brave

Where there is misery, let us bring them relief

And surely we can change, surely we can change

Oh surely we can change, something

“Surely We Can Change” by David Crowder


Who or what can you change and make a difference in this week?


Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!

In the name of Christ, amen.

4 responses to “Glory Of It All”

  1. Chad, sounds like exciting things are going on for you and the team! Keep sharing because your joy brings us joy.

  2. lol…The last two CD’s I got was at your recommendation! You didn’t steer me wrong so I’ll go get this one, too.

    Who or what can we change and make a difference in this week? Thanks for the challenge and encouragement that that is! May we be vessels He can flow through this week!!

  3. Thank you for your thought provoking words and for sharing the songs from the new Crowder album. Katelyn received it as a gift, and I can’t wait to listen. All is well on the home front. Love and Prayers!

  4. Chad-
    Reading all that God is doing in you is so encouraging. Know that I will be praying along side of you for the people of Solford and I will be praying for you personally. I got the David Crowder CD for my birthday and absolutely love it! I love and miss you!