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Well, Heather and I arrived safely into Georgia Friday night. While in Roswell over the weekend Heather managed to purchase her wedding dress, we caught up a few friends, had a great visit to one of our supporting churches Dunwoody Baptist, registered at Target and Bed Bath and Beyond, and had a restful time staying with Kurt, Faith, and Shiver Giebel.

We are now in Gainesville, GA staying with our good friends Don and Connie Rock. Today we have our first marriage counseling session and are going apartment shopping as well.

We have been so blessed by the hospitality of our friends and supporters while back in the States. We ask for your continued prayers as our bodies are still adjusting and as we try to tackle the long list of things we need to do in preparation for marriage.

We would love to hear from you so please drop us an email ([email protected]) or give us a call (405.821.2363). We set up a family plan together so we’ll both have new Georgia cell phone numbers in the next day or two.

Chad and Heather

2 responses to “Georgia”

  1. Hi Chad. So glad to hear that you guys are back safely. Enjoy your time there…apartments, friends, counseling. Look forward to seeing you soon out here!