
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Yesterday Heather and I took some “time off” and went down to Colorado Springs to the Garden of the Gods. We met up with two of Heather’s co-leaders from Jeffrey’s Bay, South Africa, Chris and Christina Via. It was just a nice day of catching up with good friends and enjoying God’s beautiful creation. Here are a few photos from our day out.
At the info center of the Garden of the Gods
Chris and Christina Via
It’s pretty incredible!!
Heather and I “lifting” Balanced Rock.
Chaco’s eat up the rock. Heather wishes she had some . . . . .
Yesterday Heather and I did a big mail out to her supporters. Please be in prayer that they will choose into the work that we are a part of with AIM and that we will get the remaining portion of what we need each month. Yesterday in our time with the Via’s, they spoke truth into us a told us they believe without a doubt that Gainesville is where God desires us this next year. We fully believe that as well and believe that he will provide all of what we need for this next year.
Thank you to all of you who are supporting us or have recently joined our support team. It is because of you, your prayers, and your support that we are able to follow God’s call on our lives to show his love to those both near and far.
For the Famous One,
Chad and Heather