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Thoughts & Inspiration

Dear Friends and Financial Partners:

As my first year of mission work concludes here in England, I again reflect on the question I urged many of you to ponder last year at the outset of my journey and it went something like this. “Does God ever give up on people? Does He ever turn away from a people group or country that seemingly doesn’t care, doesn’t listen?”

This past year as a direct result of many of your prayers and financial support, I have seen with my own eyes that the answer is a resounding, “No!”

Year one in England has taught me that ministry here is far different from that in most American churches – yet God is surely stirring in the hearts of children and teenagers in the youth centers, on the streets of Salford, in the schools, and I have been blessed to be a part. Sparks of spiritual renewal are emerging!

My prayer is that God would continue His work and allow me to be His servant in helping fan these sparks to flame.

For me these sparks have faces and names. They are Dean and Madeline. They are the children whom I teach guitar lessons to and see at school assemblies. They are teenagers I hang out with on the streets and at the youth center.

They are also the faithful elderly in the churches of St. James and St. Clements in which I minister and attend. They desperately hope and pray for their church not to close its doors.

And it is in this place that God has called me to be a part of a mission project and team sponsored by Adventures in Missions. My prayer is that the flame of the Gospel might be reignited, that the glory due God may be known.

“Adventures In Missions” is a highly respected and effective mission organization based out of Gainesville, GA and I feel blessed that they have asked me to return to England this next year as one of the leaders of the England Team.

My specific title will be “Community Liaison” and a brief summary of my responsibilities include:

• Coordinating and strengthening existing relationships with churches, organizations, clubs, schools, and community leaders; also establish new partnerships
• Lead a team of 7-10 first year missionaries that will come next year
• Provide teaching and leadership training
• Lead worship and mentor other young worship leaders

I have prayed about this opportunity. I believe God wants me to do this. I have been humbled and blessed by you who have supported me through your prayers and finances. Could I prayerfully ask for your generosity once again?

Below are some quick financial facts I’d like you to know:

1. To continue to serve in England I will need to raise between $1,000-1,200 dollars a month.

2. Regrettably England is a very expensive country in which to do ministry! The exchange rate continues to remain around 2-1 (two US Dollars make one English pound)
3. While one-time gifts are appreciated, if you could set up monthly contributions, that works best from a management viewpoint.

If you have questions or would like to speak with me on any of the specifics, here are several ways to get in touch with me:

• Email: [email protected]
• Blog:
• Blog:
• UK mailing address: 119 Great Cheetham St. West, Salford M7 2JA, UK
• US mailing address: 416 Pedmore Dr. Coppell, TX 75019

Also, for more about my work you can visit either of my blog sites listed above or for more information about Adventures in Missions visit:


What are next steps you can take?

1. Pray for God’s work in England.
2. Pray about the opportunity to join with me in God’s work in Salford.
3. If you would like to join with me financially, please fill out
the pledge card and send to Adventures in Missions with your monthly gift and/or prayer commitment.
4. Please send me an email ( [email protected] ) to notify me that you are joining with me in God’s work in Salford.

To download the pledge card, copy and paste this link into your web browser and then click on the file that says “EngalndSupportCards.pdf.” If this does not work, please email me at [email protected] and I will email the support cards to you.

This pledge card invites you to share in this ministry. Please note the line asking for pledges, where you can decide your start date and end date. I am asking for monthly commitments from May 1, 2007 to July 31, 2008. If you make a pledge, please fill those dates out.

Also, you can make checks payable to Adventures In Missions. You write my name in the memo section of the check. Including the enclosed card will provide AIM with all necessary information. In turn, they will send you a charitable contribution receipt. They require that I have two months of my funds in before I leave so they need to physically receive the pledge card and check back from you.

Thanks again for your prayers and consideration in partnering with me to share the love of Christ with the people of England.

For the Famous One,

Chad Mustain