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So yesterday was my day off and I went hiking in the Lake District of England with Ian, a local vicar, and Drew and Jacobs from my team. Ian is a pretty intense hiker/outdoors-man and I’ve done several hikes with him in the past. So naturally, I thought I’d be OK yesterday . . . . right.

We got to our site about 8:45am and began the ascent about 9:00am. By 11:30am I was done, I was ready to quit, and I told the guys I didn’t know if I could go on. Ian motivated me to push through and told me that we had one more rough ascent and then from there it would all be worth it.

So, after quick lunch break we began the ascent.

(This is the view from the top of our final push)

My body was hurting, I was tired, it was cold, and say the climb was difficult would be an understatement. As I was climbing I was thinking “Why did I choose to do this on my day off?” Somehow, through much toil, mud, sheep poo, and sweat, I managed to get to the top and it all became worth it. The view was amazing. It became one of those cool God moments where everything just came together and made sense.

(One of my favourite views from one of the mountain tops)

I had no other response but to worship my God so I busted out the iPod and for the next hour or so as we climbed from mountain top to mountain top and then began our descent, I just worshiped with my whole heart. I had one of the most real encounters with God that I have had in a long time. At one point, I just stopped, turned into the sun and cold breeze and just let the presence of God wash over me. Wouldn’t life be great if we could live in moments like that?

More often than not in life, whether we choose it or not, we find a mountain in front of us. It’s not any fun being at the bottom, the climb surely isn’t easy, and even being at the top, you know the descent is coming and you know what that means, yes, at some point, again whether or not by choice, another mountain is on the horizon. However, it’s in those God moments whether at the bottom, on the climb, at the top, or on the way down (and sometimes the way down is more like a tumbling free fall!) that we encounter God.

So, wherever you are on your mountain climb, may you be blessed and strengthened. I was reading in 2 Thessalonians this morning and wanted to share a few verses with you.

May our Lord Jesus Christ and God our Father, who loved us and in his special favour gave us everlasting comfort and good hope, comfort your hearts and give you strength in every good thing you do and say.
2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 (NLT)

May the Lord bring you into an ever deeper understanding of the love of God and the endurance that comes from Christ. 2 Thessalonians 3:5 (NLT)

May the Lord of peace himself always give you his peace no matter what happens. The Lord be with you all.
2 Thessalonians 3:16 (NLT)

(I’ll learn to get by on little victories. -Matt Nathanson)

Living and Loving, Life and God!!

P.S. For more photos of the hike, go to