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Yesterday between 2:00 and 3:00pm local time our house was broken into. Fortunately, no one was home so no one was harmed. Electronics were the primary things that were stolen, mainly laptop computers, including mine. Strangly enough, 3 lap tops were not stolen, including my roommate Drew’s, which was just two feet away from mine in plain view.

The police were called, showing up a few hours later. As these things tend to go, we are hopeful, but don’t expect to see our things again. One of our good friends in the community who has a “colorful” past has assured us that things will be “taken care of.” So, there is a small amount of hope that remains.

My main concern is the personal information, electronic journals, etc. that many of us had on our computers. Please pray that nothing else will come of our loss and that identity theft etc. would not occur. Of course we welcome your prayers for our stuff to be returned and for justice to be served.

While this is a bit of a sour note to end our time in England on, I remain firm in the belief that our God is good. Stuff is replacable and people are not so it is a huge blessing that no one was harmed. Please be in prayer for us as we continue to try to finish our time here strong.

Be Blessed,


7 responses to “Discouraged”

  1. Well that’s a bummer but just think when they open the laptops and see all the files of praise song, worship and your other ministry related items. Not too positive losing the laptop but it is still spreading the word on the positive side. Did you have a backup so you did not lose your ministry stuff? Justin had his laptop lifter from his car a few weeks back and he lost four years worth of sermons and notes. You are in our prayer and look forward to seeing you in June.

  2. I can relate. I just had a sick feeling when I came in my office and it was gone. I hurt the most because I lost many things that I can’t replace. Your journal and pictures and great thing I have shared with other. I am just glad all of you guys are a okay. I know Jim is right – hopefully they will read you stuff.

    Will pray for safety your last few weeks or days I guess.

  3. On a brighter note…like the new pic of you and Heather…what a sparkling couple!

  4. Chad, We are all so gratefui that no one was hurt, and as you said, stuff can be replaced, people can not. I love what Jim said about all the great music and your tremendous walk of faith that the memory of your computer leaves behind. I also agree with Steve about the new pic. You are a sparkling couple! Love and Prayers to you.

  5. I am very sorry to hear about this Chad. I hope everything “will be taken care of”. Let us know if you need anything.

  6. Chad,

    Maybe God will use the contents of your computer to touch the person(s) responsible. May sound strange. God works in mysterious ways. Cant wait to see you in June!
