
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Heather and I are having a great time in Dansville. Her family is wonderful and I’ve had a great time getting to know them. The thing I’ve enjoyed the most is the slower pace of life on the dairy farm in a small town. It’s been great to rest, read, and process all that’s gone on in the past weeks and months.

Yesterday, Heather and I went to Letchworth State Park. It is know as the “Grand Canyon of the East.” It was beautiful and we had a nice time enjoying God’s beautiful creation and each other’s company. Here are a few pictures:

The middle falls

Heather and me at the middle falls

The lower falls

We leave New York on Tuesday and will be in Colorado from June 3-13. On June 14 we head to Dallas and we’ll be up in Norman the weekend June 20-22.

Our support raising is going well thus far. While we still have a ways to go to meet our monthly support goal of $3,380, we see God’s blessing in our lives each day. Thank you for the financial support, the furniture donations, and engagement/wedding gifts. We feel so fortunate to be surround by such an awesome community of family and friends, both near and far.

Be Blessed,
Chad and Heather

3 responses to “Dansville, NY”

  1. who knew dansville was so pretty?! glad you guys are having such a good time, and SO looking forward to seeing you!!

  2. You are in my part of the country. Grew up in Warren PA, just south of there, and lived in Erie too.

    Thinking of you – Safe travels – See you soon.


  3. It’s sooooooooooooooo beautiful. We can’t wait to see you see here in the big “D”. We miss you and love you.