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Thoughts & Inspiration

Over the past year it’s become my practice to read multiple books at a time for both learning and personal enjoyment. One of the books I’m currently reading is “The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life” by Hannah Whitall Smith. In my reading today I come across some brilliant statements I’d like to share with you:

Having, therefore, taken the stop of faith by which you have put yourself wholly and absolutely into His hands, you must now expect Him to begin to work. His way of accomplishing that which you have entrusted to Him may be different from your way; but He knows, and you must be satisfied. Hannah Whitall Smith “The Christians Secret of a Happy Life” p 33

The maturity of a Christian experience cannot be reached in a moment, but is the result of the work of God’s Holy Spirit, who, by His energizing and transforming power, causes us to grow up into Christ in all things. And we cannot hope to reach this maturity in any way other than by yielding ourselves up, utterly and willingly, to His mighty working. Hannah Whitall Smith “The Christians Secret of a Happy Life” p 34

Just as the potter, however skilful, cannot make a beautiful vessel out of a lump of clay that is never put into his hands, so neither can God make out of me a vessel unto His honour unless I put myself into His hands. Hannah Whitall Smith “The Christians Secret of a Happy Life” p 36

I think the author’s words clearly speak for themselves and need no interpretation from me.

In today’s reading in my devotional journal the author wrote about honouring God saying “if our goal is to honour God, we can accomplish that no matter what circumstances we encounter.” David Nasser “A Call to Die” p 43

It is my desire to daily surrender myself and my will to God and to ask him to tune my heart with his. In striving to live a life that honours God I am reminded of his words in 1 Samuel 2:30 when God says “Those who honour me I will honour . . . .” (NIV).

One response to “Current thoughts . . . .”

  1. Chad, you are such a blessing and your words truly ministered to me today. This old world gets so crazy sometimes and so many, many “things” come against uswe need to focus and feed our souls which you helped me do today.

    Pray all is well with you and hope you had some fun during your busy summer. Anytime you are here, please drop by if you can.

    Much love and prayers, Judy